The book Tazkiyatun Nafs discusses cleansing oneself from despicable qualities and replacing them wi...
The book Tazkiyatun Nafs discusses cleansing oneself from despicable qualities and replacing them with praiseworthy qualities according to Islamic teachings.And among other contents it discussesPietyAccording to language, piety comes from Arabic which means protecting oneself from the torment of Allah SWT, namely by following all His commands and staying away from all His prohibitions (Imtitsalulumairillah wajtinabu nawahihi).Taqwa (taqwa) comes from the words waqa-yaqi-wiqayah which means to maintain, namely to keep oneself safe in this world and the hereafter.The word Waqa also means protecting something, namely protecting it from various dangerous and harmful things.Understanding of Taqwa According to Terms We find the meaning of piety in terms of many literatures, including the Al-Quran, Hadith, and the opinions of friends and scholars. All understandings of piety lead to one concept: namely carrying out all of Allahs commands, staying away from his prohibitions, and protecting oneself to avoid the fire of hell or the wrath of Allah SWT.Ibn Abbas defines piety as "fearing shirk towards Allah and always obeying Him" (Tafsir Ibn Kathir).When Abu Dzarr Al-Ghifari asked the Prophet Muhammad for advice, the first and main message he conveyed to his friend was piety. Rasulullah SAW said: "I bequeath to you, fear Allah because piety is the essence of all things." (Tanbihul Ghofilin, Abi Laits As-Samarkindi).Imam Qurthubi quotes the opinion of Abu Yazid al-Bustami, that a pious person is: "A person who, when he speaks, speaks because of Allah, and when he acts, acts and does good deeds because of Allah."Abu Sulaiman Ad-Dardani said: "People who are God-fearing are people whose love of their desires is removed from their hearts by Allah."Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyyah emphasized that the essence of taqwa is taqwa of the heart, not taqwa of the limbs." (Al-Fawaid).Understanding Taqwa According to the Koran and Hadith The definition of piety according to the companions of the Prophet SAW and the scholars above of course refers to the Koran and Hadith.The Al-Quran states that piety is belief in the unseen (The Most Unseen: Allah SWT), the Last Day, establishing prayers, giving zakat, believing in the books of Allah, by using the Al-Quran as a guide in living ones life (QS. Al -Baqarah:2-7).According to the hadith of the Prophet SAW, the meaning of piety is at the core of carrying out Allah SWTs commands or religious obligations."Do everything that Allah requires, you will surely become the most pious person." (HR. Ath-Thabrani).God-fearing people always make time to worship in the sense of mahdhoh worship - the main obligations such as prayer and zakat, as well as fasting during Ramadan and the Hajj for those who can afford it.Allah Azza Wajalla also says in the Hadith Qudsi): "O son of Adam, take time to worship Me, I will surely fill your chest with wealth and I will prevent you from poverty. Otherwise, I will fill your hands with busy work and I will not spare you from poverty." (HR. Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah).